Friday, November 21, 2008

LISTEN: 'Mission Peace' on Radio Indigo

Radio Indigo talks to Mission Peace!


Karthik said...

Hi Sunita:
Congratulations on the good work so far. I would recommend that you work with Bangalore Bikers Club, which is a group devoted to popularising cycling in Bangalore. Their web address is:

Vikas Singhal said...
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Vikas Singhal said...


I am Vikas working in an IT company like most of us do. I read your article recently in a news paper and found that even I can join in this noble initiative for making Bangalore noise free.

Some suggestions which can be utilized by us:

1. Print pamphlets in Kannada/English/Hindi/etc and distribute it. One approach for distribution will be taking 10-20 pamphlets whenever we go out and distribute as we encounter any auto, we can also give a small bundle to motorists we pass so that they can distribute also (this, obviously, will be more effective when people are aware of this and know its effect, which can done thru a website/blog)

2. Create a nice portal of How many silencers have been installed in the city by auto/motors after/during our campaign.

3. Invest some money in Silencers and distribute them in 50% of the price or make it free if an autowala brings 5 of his fellow autowalas etc.

The most difficult task will be tracking the noise pollution in various part of the city, i.e, whether we are able to make any difference or not. If we can track it, we can go to the govt. with some data and convience them for a rule about mandatory silencers or something else.

Let me know, if you already have any matter written for your campaign which we can print out and distribute, I would like to initiate the distribution. We can also create a portal which we can advertise various ways ( I have worked on many websites and I do know how to publicize them :D ), or the blog( is also fine with me.

- Vikas

PS: I tried to mail this to you, but is not working.