Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What is Mission 'Peace'?

Sign up! for peace and quiet in Bangalore- Add your name to the petition

If you believe in the cause read more and sign up by clicking the button below

WHO we are: A bunch of Bangalore residents who have got together to transform our city.

THE POSSIBILITY of the project is Peace & Health. The project will reduce noise pollution caused by auto-rickshaws and unnecessary honking in the city of Bangalore. The opportunity of the project is a quiet and caring city.

Our AIM: Noise on the road has a harmful effect on people leading to aggression and loss of hearing. It disturbs one's peace of mind and affects our health & well-being. Bangalore, our Garden City, is fast growing and with it increasing traffic & Noise Pollution. Our aim is to reduce noise pollution by autos and honking and restore Bangalore to the Peaceful city it once was. With it will come Peace, Good Health and Caring.

NOISE POLLUTION & HOW it affects people. Noise pollution is a displeasing human- or machine-created sound that disrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life. A common form of noise pollution is from transportation, principally motor vehicles.

Noise health effects are both health and behavioral in nature. Noise pollution can cause annoyance and aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other harmful effects. This in turn has an effect on our worklife and in our relationship with our families & friends.

WHO is at risk – Everyone in the city, especially old people, sick people, and vehicle DRIVERS. In particular, autorickshaw drivers, who are continuously exposed to the sound of their vehicles, & policemen.

HOW we PLAN to achieve it

1. Create public awareness on the unnecessary use of the horn & on the ill effects of noise caused by autos.
2. Promote the use of silencers in autorickshaws.
3. Convince Government Regulators to implement the laws on noise pollution.

Work Plan-
Create awareness campaigns in atleast 30 schools, colleges and offices. Create public awareness in the print media and radio.
  • The ill effects of noise pollution.
  • Discourage Unnecessary Honking
  • Encourage use Only of Autos that are not noise polluting
  • Create awareness among the auto rickshaw drivers about the damage caused by noise pollution. Convince them to bring noise levels below the prescribed levels by using silencers.
  • Convince Government Regulators- Police, RTO, Pollution Control Board- to implement laws on noise pollution

If YOU are someone who believes in this cause we invite you to JOIN us. Please contact any one of us

Project co-ordinators –
Dr Sunita de Sousa – Leader
Associate Director, Biochemistry,
AstraZeneca India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
sunitadesousa@gmail.com 98453 79296

Disha Awasthy – Media Awareness Campaigns

Naina Hegde- Media Awareness Campaigns

Lakshmi Ramachandran- Govt Regulators

Dr Mahesh & Halesha Basavarajappa- Auto Drivers

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